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as a chance meeting between a cloud and a rubber stamp on a cusp of land
B.R.Club, Ballon Rouge Collective, place Jardin aux Fleurs 2 – 1000 Brussels, April 25th – June 8, 2019

ever changing perpetuity

come back as a flower

across the walls through the heart


'as above as below'


An exhibition about movements of nature and people at the borders. While a cloud passes by from a country to another, people are being traced and stamped on their passports . ️ ️
It is also about fluidity, transition and temporality. Us being cloud-like. Unique and same.
“As a chance meeting between a cloud and a rubber stamp on a cusp of land”
The title is inspired by the phrase by Comte de Lautréamont; “as beautiful as the chance meeting on a dissecting-table of a sewing machine and an umbrella on an operating table” -
It is a metaphor to challenge the viewers preconditioned perception of reality by juxtapositioning two completely alien realities ‘ (raunerlibrary)
Her subtle pictorial evocations and suggestions guide us through an environment submerged in unconscious associations and vivid fantasies, to arrive at a meditative and contemplative state. Merve’s self-affirmed and playful lines follow the movement of minds and bodies, of mental and physical travel.
As a chance meeting between a cloud and a rubber stamp on a cusp of land hints at circulation, recurring cycles, and what constitutes freedom and limits. Her depicted protagonists - be they organic matter, animate objects or of human nature - seem to appear in a void. At the cusp, they become aware of each others’ cadence, encountering how one’s sense of freedom is subject to limits installed and operated by controlling agents. A frontier diverges routes, disrupts circulation, and juxtaposes. A body is stopped, registered and stamped. Yet, a cloud can drift further on, untouched. What is left to ask is where the mind resides. Merve’s compositions leave generous blanks, left to be filled in. Her lines start a phrase, an idea, an emotion - as jumping boards from which to take off into lived memories and imagined desires.
Text by Evelyn Simons
Ses subtiles évocations et suggestions picturales nous plongent dans un monde fait d'associations inconscientes et de vifs fantasmes pour nous emmener vers un état méditatif et contemplatif. Le graphisme des lignes ludiques mais puissantes de Merve suit les mouvements de l’esprit et du corps, entre voyage mental et physique, et conduit naturellement à l’état de rêverie.
As a chance meeting between a cloud and a rubber stamp on a cusp of land fait référence à la notion de circulation, aux cycles récurrents et à ce qui définit la liberté et les limites. Ses protagonistes, qu’ils soient organiques, objets animés ou de nature humaine, semblent se mouvoir dans le vide. Au point de rencontre, ils prennent conscience de la cadence de chacun et de la subordination du sens de liberté de chacun aux limites établies et opérées par des agents de contrôle extérieurs. Une frontière occasionne la divergence de routes, perturbe la circulation, les fait se juxtaposer. Un corps est arrêté, enregistré et tamponné. Un nuage lui, peut dériver librement plus haut, intact. Ce qu’il faut se demander, c'est où réside l'esprit. Dans ses compositions, Merve réserve généreusement des blancs à remplir. Ses lignes commencent une phrase, une idée, une émotion, comme autant de tremplins pour prendre son envol dans les souvenirs vécus ou les désirs imaginés.
Texte de Evelyn Simons
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